I’m a relationship specialist.
I challenge and guide my clients to build and sustain successful and fulfilling personal and professional relationships (starting with the one with themselves).
With fierceness, humour and humility, I champion client’s causes.
My focus is working with high-functioning professionals who encounter interpersonal relationship challenges in all domains.
My clients include hedge fund managers, CEOs and CFOs of major international firms, homeless people, bankers, pilots, corporate lawyers, teachers, medical professionals, military personnel and rabbis.
With my wife Shelley and daughter Maddie.
I’ve been a psychological health professional since 2002. I spend several hundred hours each year doing extensive training in the latest therapeutic and coaching modalities, in order to keep up with the cutting edge healing methods.
My expertise weaves the combination of years of mindfulness training and Buddhist psychology training with advanced studies of cutting edge developmental neuroscience and attachment theory including Psychobiological approach to Couple Therapy and Emotion focused therapy
However, my own relationships are the real wellspring of my knowledge and wisdom. My experience as a committed husband, father, son and friend most heavily inform how I help others.
My approach is driven by scientific research that shows that secure-functioning, emotionally healthy relationships enhance our personal well-being. We’ll trace and unpack the root causes of your outdated, emotional habits and knee-jerk reactions to stress so they can be unravelled, unlearned and replaced with effective & skilful replacements based on wisdom, compassion and understanding.
We are all programmed to experience relationships in a particular way based on our early primary relationships: how we were related to and what was modelled to us as children. These emotional habits are hardwired into our brains and nervous systems without us realising. They dramatically impact how we function in our adult relationships. They include a whole set of beliefs about ourselves and the world, though we are generally unaware of their influence and the extent that these beliefs are running our lives.
I’ll equip you to increase your emotional intelligence and develop insight and compassion about who you are and how you have been living. Under the surface, emotions drive many of our decisions. Most of us have little comprehension of the emotional dynamics driving the decisions we make and reactions we have to stress. I help people to develop a deep knowledge and comprehension of the emotional habits that lie behind our habitual decision making.
As soon as we experience stress, we are not run by our conscious mind any more, we are run by a more basic programme – older automatic emotional habits that were intelligent responses in early life. You will develop greater freedom to respond rather than react. You will have greater freedom to choose how to respond to stressful moments and more skilfully navigate difficult relationships.
Registered PsychotherapistPACFA Australia
Masters of Transpersonal Counselling PsychologyNaropa University (Boulder, CO)
Certified PACT(Level 2) Couple Therapist PACT Institute (Los Angeles CA)
Certified Gestalt Therapist (CGT)Boulder Psychotherapy Institute, (Boulder, CO)
Advanced Certificate in Emotional Focused Couple Therapy OCFI Ottawa Family and Couples Institute (Ottawa, Canada)
Certificate in Transformational CoachingAdvanced Transformational Coaching and Leadership Training Program (San Fransisco, CA)
Certified Group PsychotherapistBoulder Psychotherapy Institute, (Boulder, CO)
Certified EMDR PractitionerEMDR institute (Jerusalem, Israel)
Certified Transformational CoachCircling Institute, USA
© Copyright 2011-2025 Integrated Way, Melbourne Counselling practice. Contact: Daniel@integratedway.com 348 Barkly St, Elwood, VIC 3184, Australia. Tel: 0402 395 613