Men’s Group in Melbourne

Experience the power and growth potential generated by sitting with a group of men, led by an experienced facilitator focused specifically on helping each other evolve and become more successful, conscious men. Men have been sitting in a circle talking about men’s business for thousands of years; we are just continuing the tradition.

We are group of men (of any sexual orientation) who meet regularly to support and challenge each other to live conscious and purposeful lives. A key aim is to help each other develop insight in how we show up in relationships, so we are not just ruled by our automatic unconscious habitual ways of relating with ourselves and others.
We’ll also learn to develop more humility, patience and a sense of humor in the face of life’s challenges.

Men’s group is the co-creation of all its members. One of the most worthwhile benefits of participating, is that in time, we become deeply invested in each other’s lives, bonds are forged and a community is built where we celebrate our wins together as well as commiserate and laugh in the face of adversity together.

Themes we will explore

  • Relationships
  • Masculinity
  • Friendship
  • Sex
  • Addiction (including seeming harmless ones such as technology/food)
  • Difficult emotions such as anger and shame
  • Family
  • Parenting
  • Money
  • Work
  • Life purpose
Your responsibility as a participant in this group will be to be present with, and curious about, each other; to be authentic and truthful with our interactions, and to be open to others’ feedback and new ways of seeing ourselves. We’ll both support and challenge each other, with kindness, support & care.


  • Feel supported and challenged by a brotherhood of smart, inspired men.
  • Become a much more effective communicator.
  • Increase self-awareness about both your strengths and your blind spots. 
  • Have more successful and connected relationships with your loved ones.
  • Confront and dissolve limiting beliefs.
  • Learn to metabolise and transform difficult emotions.
  • Use painful life experiences as fuel for growth and transformation.
  • Clarify your true core values and learn to live more congruently with them.
  • Find more acceptance, ease and love for yourself and others.

Your commitment

  • Attend all sessions.
  • Arrive to group on time and sober.
  • Uphold the confidentiality and privacy of group members.
  • Maintain a willingness to be supportive, courageous and honest.



Who Is Daniel Lichtman?

Daniel Lichtman MA (Couns Psych)

I’ve been leading mens’ groups and men’s workshops consistently since 2003. It’s the richest and most meaningful part of my work. Especially watching the guys challenge and support each other and making the group their own.

My passion is to challenge and guide men to have better self-knowledge and self-confidence. Also, it’s to help them build and sustain successful and fulfilling personal and professional relationships, starting with the one with themselves.

My clients include hedge fund managers, CEOs of major international firms, business owners, pilots, lawyers, teachers, government emplyees. academics, medical professionals, military personnel, and Rabbis.

Daniel White Integrated Way coaching and counselling Melbourne

Therapist and Mens’ group leader for professionals in Melbourne .


2 sessions per month of 2 hours in length

Wednesdays 7pm-9pm
Investment $150 monthly (can quit anytime with a months notice, although my expectation is that you’ll love it and want to continue)