Daniel helps women foster emotional well-being through healthier relationships with themselves and those around them, whether it be an intimate partner, family member or colleague. Clients will become much more skilled at managing the emotional pressures of balancing career, parenting and relationships
Working with Daniel, you’ll learn how to manage difficult emotions and gently but powerfully uproot the emotional habits (and sometimes the people) that create difficulties for you in all aspects of your relationships and your life.
As an expert in male psychology, Daniel helps women to speak ‘man talk’ and develop stronger and clearer relationships with their male partners, friends, family members, as well as co-workers, employees and bosses.
Women often struggle with the fact that men often appear less emphatic, and have difficulty maintaining emotional intimacy. Heterosexual women frequently complain that their male partners seem ambivalent about relationships, they desire more separateness and that they have gone off intimacy and sex. Daniel helps women navigate their relationships with men more skilfully, develop stronger boundaries and become better communicators (communicating in a way he can actually get the message) so as to develop more alive and intimate relationships.
Psychotherapist Daniel helps females navigate relationships with men though effective therapy. This includes helping women who are looking for a male partner choose well and notice what the red flags are that will likely lead to a tumultuous relationship. Some women find themselves in relationships that don’t serve them well over and over again. They enter relationships where they encounter isolation, neglect, fear and anxiety. They don’t feel loved or respected, or choose men who serially cheat on them. Daniel helps his female clients to understand why men are behaving this way and make better choices.
Women often want men to be more communicative, whereas men are more action oriented. Daniel’s women’s counselling helps you to speak ‘man talk’. For example, a man might not apologise after an argument, but he might make you a cup of tea or suggest going out for dinner. Daniel helps his female clients interpret male signals and behaviour and foster greater understanding and empathy towards their partners.
Daniel also helps women who are in committed relationships keep their relationship alive and healthy and communicate more clearly with their men in a way that they can hear and know how to act on.
I’m a relationship specialist.
I challenge and guide my clients to build and sustain successful and fulfilling personal and professional relationships (starting with the one with themselves).
With fierceness, humour and humility, I champion client’s causes.
My focus is working with high-functioning professionals who encounter interpersonal relationship challenges in all domains.
My clients include hedge fund managers, CEOs and CFOs of major international firms, homeless people, bankers, pilots, corporate lawyers, teachers, medical professionals, military personnel and rabbis.
Counsellor for Professionals in Melbourne and those seeking online counselling services.
Registered PsychotherapistPACFA Australia
Masters of Transpersonal Counselling PsychologyNaropa University (Boulder, CO)
Certified PACT(Level 2) Couple Therapist PACT Institute (Los Angeles CA)
Certified Gestalt Therapist (CGT)Boulder Psychotherapy Institute, (Boulder, CO)
Advanced Certificate in Emotional Focused Couple Therapy OCFI Ottawa Family and Couples Institute (Ottawa, Canada)
Certificate in Transformational CoachingAdvanced Transformational Coaching and Leadership Training Program (San Fransisco, CA)
Certified Group PsychotherapistBoulder Psychotherapy Institute, (Boulder, CO)
Certified EMDR PractitionerEMDR institute (Jerusalem, Israel)
Certified Transformational CoachCircling Institute, USA